Monday 17 October 2011

How to use Autofill funtion in excel!

Once you have written down the formula it's quite a hassle to write it again for other cells especially when the formula is quite tedious. Lucky for us excel autofill function allow the same formula to be copied form 1 cell to the cells you want to formula to be copied to.
once you have written down the formula go to the cell and select it. placing your marker on the bottom right of the cell will make a cross appear. Drag the cross down to the row you want your formula to be copied to and excel will copy the formula to all other rows ... hence saving a lot of time.

How to Use Sum iF Function in excel

Sometimes you might not want to add all the values in excel. For example you are given a set of data and you just want to add those values which are greater then 50.

Formula: =SUMIF(range,criteria,sum range)

Criteria: represents what you want to the excel to sum. for example for excel to sum only values greater then 50 in the creteria box you will write ">50" (inverted commas included)

The sum range represent the range from which you wanna search for numbers greater then 50.

the Picture in the left represents the Formula used in A14 cell of excel i.e. is the SUMIF formula for values greater then 50.

Birthday Problem Solution!

Question: If there are 23 number of people in the class what is the probability that you share a birthday with another person in the class?

Answer: In order to solve this we first find the we look at the Number of days in the year = 365

Probability of 2 person having the different Birthday: 365/365 x 364/365 = .997

since the overall probability will be 1, so to find the probablity of to people sharing a birthday will be: 1-.997 = .003

the chances of two people sharing a birthday are very less...

The following Video by explains the birthday Problem in more detail.

How to Use Vlookup and Hlookup In excel!

Vlookup and Hlookup are function which allow you to look for certain items associated with Numbers and fill the gaps! The Following Video explains the Vlookup funtion.

How to Sum in Excel!

Excel SUM function allow you to sum row or columns and display the answer is the selected block of excel where you have applied the formula.

Summing all these values is made is by excel by using the sum function.

The Formula for sum function is =SUM(Number1,number2...)

Instead of numbers you can select the Row or columns in which all the number you want to sum are contained.

For the sum of all the values to appear in B19 cell of the excel select the B19 cell and write this =SUM(A1:A17) in the function bar. And press enter.

The Sum of all these values will appear in B19 cell.